W i t h   a n y   f o r m   o f   a r t ,   a n   i n c l i n a t i o n   t o   i m i t a t e   r e a l i t y   t h o r o u g h l y   i s   a n   i d e a   c r u c i a l l y   o u t   o f   d a t e .   ~  M . W .


          ¤  ARABIC:  A Lexicon of Three Colloquial Dialects
          ¤  CELTIC:  Shared Words and Their Etymologies
          ¤  EGYPTIAN:  Notes and Ideas on an Obscure Monument
          ¤  FAROESE:  Pronunciation and Crucial Phrases (in Finnish)
          ¤  MODERN GREEK:  Fundamentals, Transcribed (in Finnish)
          ¤  MODERN HEBREW:  A Text-Based Translitteratory Lexicon (Finnish - Hebrew)
          ¤  ICELANDIC:  Complementary Words and Idioms (in Finnish)
          ¤  SYRIAC:  A Classical Language Index (in Finnish)

          ¤  ADÛNAIC:  An Accidence Sketch (in Finnish)
          ¤  QUENYA:  Vocabularium
          ¤  QUENYA:  Pronouns, Verbs and Particles (in Finnish)
          ¤  SINDARIN:  Lexical Samples with Etymology (in Finnish)
          ¤  SINDARIN:  A Collage of Notes and Up-to-Date Speculations

          ¤  Useful Off-Site Resources


          ¤  The NBC Documentary "Mysterious Origins of Man"
          ¤  Atlantis: Secret Star Mappers of a Lost World
          ¤  FAQ for Plato's account of Atlantis
          ¤  The book "Shadow of Atlantis" by Col. A. Braghine

          ¤  The Mystery of the Sphinx

          ¤  The pan-European... caverns
          ¤  Native American Rock Art & the Coso Artifact
          ¤  An article about the possibilities of inorganic life

          ¤  A News Desk courtesy of Graham Hancock